Labels:bulletin board | fence | person | sky OCR: abcdeighijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ARCDET IGHIKL MNOPQRST UVWXYZ 0123456789 #$%A a/.1O>* The quick brewn fx jumps: ever the lozy deg. The quick bEoWn FOX jumps OVEF the lazy dog. The quick brown fGx jumps: over the lazy dog. 1316 The quick brGWn FGX iumps: GVer the tazy dag. 14.18 The quick bE FGX sdun! Gver the lazy dog: 6:0 The quick bEGWR FGX. iumps: Gver the lazy dG The qur G.K. DEGWR +GX saunr GVEr the ABCDEFGHIKL DEOWD browe JDAG beGwD sdunt GVOr